Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 3:45 PM
To: SHARON Muscat Travel Boutique
Subject: Re: trip to Guatemala

Dear Sharon and Shahar,

We had the most wonderful time in our trip to Guatemala. There was no point of disappointment through the entire trip. You were absolutely successful in tailoring the trip to our expectations, points of view and daily needs. Of particular importance was the election of Carlos to be the major guide since with his slightly older age , experience, deep insight and knowledge he was not only an excellent driver and guide but also became a dear friend. While Roel guided us only for one day (Tikal) he also presented very high level of knowledge and understanding that helped making this pat a highlight of the trip. The hotels were superb and provided the essence of the exotic guatamalian atmosphere and scenery we were looking for. Nothing was truly physically hard but provided sufficient challenge to let us feel still in shape (climbing the pacaya).

Again, thank you and Chage sameach

Avigdor and Zahava

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